Hyperemesis gravidarum is pernicious or malignant nausea or vomiting associated with pregnancy. Unlike morning sickness transient nausea or vomiting that typically occurs during the first three semester hyperemesis gravidarum is severe and unremitting and may persist past the first trisemester. Left untreated, it can progress to dehydration, starvation, electrolyte, and acid base imbalancem liver damage, and hemmorhagic retinitis, ehich carries a high maternal mortality risk. The disorder must be treated before fital or significant maternal injury results. With appropriate treatment, the prognosis is usually good.
Etiology and precipitating factors:
1. Coincident with elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (HOC) levels of pregnancy as well as even higher level associated with multiple pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.
2. Hypoglycermia resulting from altered carbohydrate metabolism early in pregnancy
3. Hyperthyroidism
4. Psychological factors
( Source: Maternal-Infant care by Melson, 1999)
A. List Of Vocabularies
- Vomiting :muntah
- Sickness : penyakit
- Pregnancy : kehamilan
- Dehydration : kekurangancairan
- Psychological : kejiwaan
B. Answer the question from the text above!
1. The term “hyperemesis gravidarum”same meaning of the term “morning sickness”. (true or false)
2. What is exactly the meaning of hyperemesis gravidarum?
3. What is the meaning of morning sickness?
4. What happen if hyperemesis gravidarum left untreated?
5. What is the meeaning of ( you can use the medical dictionary to answer the questions ):
- a. Hydatidiform
- b. Hypoglicemia
- c. Hyperthyroidism
C. Create the dialogue based on the text above!
D. Tenses
- Simple past tense
Pola Kalimat :
(+) S+V2/to be (was/were)+O…
(-) S+did not /was-were not + V1/Adjective
(?) Did/was-were + S+V1-ing
Pada waktu lampau itu dinyatakan dengan kata keterangan waktu
seperti :
• yesterday : kemarin
• the day before yesterday : kemarin dulu
• two days ago : dua hari yang lalu
• three months ago : tiga bulan yang lalu
• many years ago : bertahun-tahun yang lalu
• last night : tadi malam
• last month : bulan yang lalu
• last week : minggu yang lalu
• last year : tahun yang lalu
• Last Friday : hari Jum’at yang lalu
• this morning : tadi pagi
• formerly : dahulu
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