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READING : Caesarean Section Birth


Caesarean section birth, the fetus is delivered through incision made into the abdominal and uterine walls. This produce is indicated for any condition that jeopardies maternal of fetal health and for which postponed of delivery or vaginal birth itself would compromise the patient’s safety. Indications for ceasrean section include but are not limited to the following:
Non reassurine fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern (fetal distress); previous cesarean section; dystocia, cephalopelvic, disproportion, abruptioplacentaes, plcentaprevia, prolapsed umbilical cord, preeclampsia or eclampsia, insulin dependent diabeted mellitus, spinal or pelvic fractures, pelvic tumors, gonorhea, and genital herpes.
Caesarean section may be an emergency procedure or anticipated. If it is anticipated, the parents have greater attitude about and can receive comprehensive preoperative teaching. This plan of care includes physical findings associated with fetal distress, types and implications of caesarean section procedures and postpartum considerations specific to cesarean section patients. Review of the normal pastpartum experience is essential.

( Source :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy )

A.    List Of Vocabularies
  •      Caesarean : pembedahanperut
  •      Fetus : janin
  •      Uterine wall : dindingrahim
  •      Maternal : ibuhamil
  •      Jeopardies : membahayakan
  •      Postponed : menunda
B.    Answer the question based on the text above!

1.    What is exactly the defenition of cesarean section birth?
2.    Why is this procedure indicated?
3.    List five indications for cesarean section?
4.     The abbreviation FHR and CPD are stand for….
5.    If cesarean section is an emergency procedure, the parents have greater attitude about birthing and anesthesia options and can receive comprehensive preoperative teaching. ( True or False )

C.    Tenses
  •     Past perfect tense
Untuk menyatakan peristiwa, kegiatan atau tindakan yang telah selesai dilakukan di waktu lampau sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi.
Pola Kalimat :
(+) S+had+ been +adj/adv/N
She had been ill
(-) S+Had not +been +Adj/Adv/N
She had not been ill
(?) Had+S+been +Adj/Adv/N
Had she been ill?

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